
[noun, Spanish]

1. Group of 3 people of things


[noun, Camunian]

1. Italian comune in Val Camonica, province of Brescia, Lombardy.

Work developed as part of my residency at Borgo degli Artisti in Bienno (Italy).

The town is known, among other things, for its corn production, wild chestnuts and iron work. I set out to explore these 3 elements together as a sort of trinity that would function as a vehicle for initiating conversations about identity creation in the post-1492 world.

Trinidad Bién is a sculpture that serves as the first abstraction of this trinity. Transforming elements beyond recognition to illustrate and embrace the inevitability of change.

The chestnut shells collected during autumn 2022 by Cinzia Bontempi, director of Borgo degli Artisti 2.0, were used to give a pink color to the fabric.

Rusted iron nails supplied by artist Claudio Ercoli were used to shift said color to purple.

The cornstarch has been processed into a plastic-like substance that gives the piece its texture.

A further thanks to Giselle Cochi and Angelo Pantegnini.

Trinidad Bién


Silk, Chestnuts Shells, Iron Nails, Cornstarch

3 x 4 x 0.05 m