Photos of the baptism during September 2020

Photos with me, just for scale

Photos making the piece during September 2020, with Luis Madera, a Puerto Rican worker at the factory, and Izzy Wu, who was my intern at the time (these are screen grabs from a VHS video).

Photos taking down the piece in May 2021 (these are screen grabs from a VHS video).

Promotional posters for the baptism of ‘Entrelazado en la Fábrica de Concreto’.

Screen grabs from a video done in April 2021 with Luis Madera, the Puerto Rican worker at the concrete factory that helped me with the installation, recorded with a VHS camera.

Luis Madera is wearing garments I did, dyed with avocado seeds, as part of an ongoing documentation of collaborators.

Prior to do the installation on the entrance to the concrete factory, I did a test on a stair on a different area of the factory, to show Luis and the rest of the workers what I had in mind, and get their input.

This was done on a Saturday, during their work day, which is why at some point another worker has to crawl under the entrelazado I created on the stairs.

This is not from the ‘entrelazados’ series, but it’s again using the stair of the concrete factory, and intervening it with a material that has a connection between myself and the workers. In this case, with the starch of the cassava plant, which is an important plant for the Caribbean cultures that many of the workers and myself belong to. I created a gooey material that hardens similar to a ceramic. There are further videos of a conversation with Luis on a rainy day in October 12th of 2020 speaking about colonization, the migrant experience and more.

This was done on a Saturday in early October from 2020, but in the afternoon, after the workers had ended their shift.