La Rentrada


[noun, French]

1. The return of holidaymakers to the capital.

2. Resumption of activities (of some institutions), after an interruption.

Rosa Terráqueo

Rosa: Pink color [noun, Spanish]

From planet Earth or related to it [adjective, Spanish]


Ahuacatl: a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone [noun, Nahuatl]




[Textile, Spanish] Interweaving

[Computing, Spanish] Technique used to make data storage more efficient by arranging it in a noncontiguous manner

[Fragmentario, Spanoosh] Technique that flirts but never commits to the idea of weaving


Onion Society

Onion: an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell, composed of several concentric layers, used in cooking [noun, English]

an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity [noun, English]



Zuzubana: tree that grows in forests in warm, arid and dry lands, next to the sea [noun, language of indigenous group from Falcón state, Venezuela]